-House of Prayer Lutheran is an ELCA congregation in the Southwest Texas Synod. To explore what ELCA membership means, we encourage you to explore this website: www.elca.org.
-We are a smaller congregation, and are a friendly community, and it is easy to get to know the people here. You don’t have to be a member to worship here, but if you do decide to become a member, it is easy to do.
-Our typical activities include a couple of Adult Bible Study groups, and groups such as quilting, Bunco, and other fellowship opportunities.
- We have an Adult Sunday Class that is lively with conversation. We love to talk about anything and everything since faith touches every aspect of our lives.
- While we have only a few children at worship on a regular basis, we do not offer children’s Sunday School every Sunday. Children’s Sermons on special Sunday’s and other events at times. We also like to involve our children in participating in assisting with worship as ushers, readers, altar guild, and audio/visuals as their skills development allows.
We have ample parking, and handicapped parking is available on the upper level in front of the sanctuary doors. The upper level is also a good place to drop off if the handicapped spots are already filled.
- Attire
As with most places in San Antonio, dress is comfortable, but we do assume that people will remember to be respectful when visiting God’s house.
Our worship is liturgical based meaning that there is a set format involving interactions between pastor and people some of which is incorporated as singing. And of course, there is the singing of hymns and songs. For ease of participating, the service is projected on a screen (to be good stewards) but if you prefer a printed bulletin just pick one up or ask an usher.